Data selection

There is a tool, that creates a GUI out of a SQL-file having some additional commands in. Read here how this works

This piece of application allows standard users, not knowing much about databases, to create complex queries against a RDBMS. Also it has to provide flexible queries with very few GUI-elements that can be used by simply clicking onto elements.

The result of such a generated query can be displayed at the screen and if the result fulfills the users requirements, the query can be exported as a csv-file, a xls-file or into a xml-file.

Queries can be stored for later use. The final query can be saved as a sql-file to be reused within the exporter or as a xml-file to be loaded into the GUI.
Dataselections are based onto prepared SQL-statements. The GUI is generated out of this SQL-statement, the embedded macros are interpreted and displayed within tabs. each macro creates its own tab. You can create tabs inside tabs to group functions. By a click onto the binocular the query is interpreted, there is a simple query-checker that eliminiates impossible constructs, e.g. if a AND directly follows a WHEN. This checker is far away from being something like a professional querychecker. This check is linebased, so it's best to have expressions like 'AND' and 'WHERE' onto a single line, dito while using brackets. There are two types of macros SQL-Commands and the 'include' – command to include files (#include fully-qualified-file-name).