There is a tool, that creates a GUI out of a SQL-file having some additional commands in. Read here how this works
The queries are prepared by a person having a certain knowledge in creating complex queries. The number of prepared queries is not limited, but it makes sense, not to overload the user with too many queries. The name of the query and its location is defined inside a control file, what then is interpreted by the application as a ComboBox. If this file does not exist, the applications throws an exception. This file is located at the position mentioned within the file admin.selgui.props what is located in the users homedirectory or at the position you defined with the environment-parameter 'admin.home', the defaultlocation is user.home/datadrill/resources.
select distinct #checkbox(Attributes;employee-list.display) from garage, person, function, employe where employe.garage_id = and employe.person_id = and employe.function_id= and #execute(City;IN; in;select distinct city from garage) and #criteriabox(Function; in;employee-list.function) order by